Historic District Analysis and Designation
Projected Completion: Ongoing
A historic district is a geographically defined concentration of resources, typically buildings, that come together to collectively convey a shared significance under one or more of the City’s historic designation criteria. That significance can be based on architecture or historical association, such as a significant person, event, architect, builder or ethnic/cultural group. Individual buildings within the boundary of the historic district may or may not be significant in their own right, but much like pieces of a puzzle, these properties come together to paint a picture and tell an important story about our city’s past. Historic Districts are designated through a public process that includes posting of detailed information on the City's website; workshops and webinars for property owners; and a series of noticed hearings with the Historical Resources Board and their Policy Subcommittee.
Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus
This program focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:
Protect & Enrich Every Neighborhood
Identifies and protects geographically concentrated resources that tell a story important to the architectural, historical and/or cultural history of the city.
Contributes to creating a sense of place and a destination, as well as assists in the revitalization of neighborhoods.
Champion Sustainability
Supports adaptive reuse of existing building stock through repair of quality materials.
Website: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/work/historic-preservation-planning/historic-districts