A Trail System that Enhances Recreational Opportunities, Provides Connections, and Supports Environmental Conservation 

Identified as a key implementation action of the Parks Master Plan, the Citywide Trails Master Plan (Trails Master Plan) will guide the provision and enhancement of open space multi-purpose trails that serve pedestrians, hikers, bicyclists, mountain bikers, and equestrians, where appropriate and provide safe and convenient linkages to parks, recreation facilities, and open space areas.

Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus

This initiative focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:

Protect & Enrich Every Neighborhood

Plans for more opportunities for safe, enjoyable and active connections to improve people’s lives in all neighborhoods.

Advance Mobility & Infrastructure

Enhances and delivers critical connections and infrastructure needed to serve our communities.

Champion Sustainability

Improves partnerships with community-based organizations to deliver walking, rolling, biking, transit, urban greening and other climate-resilient public spaces in our communities.


Jogger at Robb Field

More than just a blueprint for trails, the Trails Master Plan will serve as a framework for future trail planning, emphasizing the integration between trail development and open space planning and conservation efforts. In alignment with the City’s Multiple Species Conservation Program, the Trails Master Plan will ensure that trail development respects and preserves our natural habitats and biodiversity.

Beyond trails within our open spaces, the Trails Master Plan will also address the vital role of urban and recreational connections in fostering vibrant communities across San Diego. By enhancing connectivity and accessibility, the Trails Master Plan seeks to promote active lifestyles and enrich the quality of life for community members of all age groups and all abilities.

Penasquitos Preserve

There are three primary components to the development of the Trails Master Plan – the Existing Conditions Report, Community Engagement, and the Trails Master Plan itself.

Existing Conditions Report

The Existing Conditions Report will compile and present information regarding the City’s existing trail system. This will include quantitative data such as the location and length of trails, as well as qualitative data such as trail condition. The Existing Conditions Report will help the City identify opportunities to improve and expand the existing trail network and inform development of the Trails Master Plan.

Trails Master Plan

The Trails Master Plan will provide a framework for the provision and enhancement of urban and open space multi-purpose trails that are accessible and enjoyable for San Diegans of all ages and abilities. Through the goals, policies and design guidelines of the Trails Master Plan, the City will plan for a trails system that enhances recreational opportunities for all users in all communities; provides connections to the places we live, work and play; and adheres to the City’s commitment to the protection of sensitive plants and animals.

Community Engagement

Meaningful and inclusive public engagement is critical to ensuring that the Trails Master plan serves the needs of all San Diegans. In partnership with local community-based organizations (CBOs), the City will provide a variety of engagement opportunities for community members to provide input on how trails are utilized, what works well, and where improvements are needed. Information gathered through engagement will inform the Existing Conditions Report and the Trails Master Plan.

The Trails Master Plan will be developed based on the following guiding principles:

Nobel Park Trail




Mobility Trail


Boardwalk Trail

Access & Connectivity

Get Involved and Stay Connected!

Community involvement is extremely important to the City and the input received from our communities will drive the decision-making process. Below are ways to stay connected and provide feedback.


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Tell Us How You Would Like to Engage

As these important policies are further developed, the City would like to learn how you would like to stay engaged. Please take a moment to complete the from linked below.

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Quick facts and additional project information is being developed and will be linked below once published.

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Upcoming Community Workshops

The details of future community workshops will be posted here as they become available. Questions and comments can be sent to publicspaces@sandiego.gov.