General Target Timetable
8/3/98 | Padres execute MOU. |
8/4/98 | City Council approves ballot measure forsubmission to voters. |
10/1/98 | Terms agreed for extension at QualcommStadium. |
11/3/98 | Ballpark Project vote. |
12/3/99 | Certification Date. |
1/1/99 | Budget Estimates for Ballpark, Land, PublicParking and Infrastructure finalized. |
2/1/99 | Finalize Baseline Ballpark Program andminimum design standards. |
2/14/99 | Finalize estimate of property/possessoryinterest tax and Transient Occupancy Taxrevenue for Ballpark and Phase 1. |
3/15/99 | City comments on Final Baseline BallparkProgram and minimum design standards. |
4/1/99 | Finalize binding agreement with Padres,Developer and/or others for Phase 1 andreceive assurances for Substitute AncillaryDevelopment (if any) and 1,000 roomConvention Center Expansion hotel. |
4/1/99 | Receive commitments for Other RequiredFinancing Investments ($21 million). |
4/1/99 | Receive Padres first priority lien on NationalLeague Franchise. |
4/1/99 | Execution of DDA or DA for Phase 1. |
4/1/99 | Begin land acquisition. |
TBD | Finalize EIR and PDO amendment (if any). |
TBD | Ballpark groundbreaking. |
TBD | Execute City financing - 45 days after latterof certification of EIR, or adoption of PDOamendment. |
6/1/00 | Padres deposit first of eight (8) quarterlypayments - subject to acceleration. |
2/1/02 | Substantial Completion of Ballpark Project. |
3/1/02 | Operational start-up of Ballpark. |
3/31/02 | Substantial Completion and Certificate ofOccupancy for Phase 1. |
4/1/02 | Opening Date. |
10/1/02 | Deposit Ballpark construction savings (ifany), up to $5 million, into CapitalExpenditure Reserve Fund. |
Memorandum of Understanding
Attachment A - Map of Infrastructure Improvements
Attachment A1 - Infrastructure Expense Summary
Attachment A2 - Roadway Improvement Detail
Attachment B - Land Acquisition Parcels
Attachment B1 - Land Acquisition Summary
Attachment B2 - Summary of 5,000 Parking Spaces
Attachment C - Hotel Credit Zone
Attachment C1 - Substitute Ancillary Retail Development
Attachment D - RFP/RFQ Zone
*Attachment E - General Target Timetable
Attachment F - Padres Protection of Revenues
Attachment G - Ballpark Protection Zone