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City Plan for San Diego

A Comprehensive Plan for its Improvement 1908

Title         San Diego A Comprehensive Plan for its Improvement

Author    John Nolen

Contents    109pages

Publication Information    Boston Geo. H. Ellis Co., Printers  1908

Note by the Author   

The publication of this report is one more illustration of the awakening of American cities to the imperative need for greater foresight, skill, and experience in city-making. San Diego has developed much like other places in this country. But today it is far ahead of most cities of its class in its recognition of the mistakes of the past and in its appreciation of the opportunities of the present.

The report submitted is the result of a careful first-hand study of San Diego and its surroundings. It is fully illustrated with photographs, and its recommendations are enforced by some accompanying plans and sketches. The aim and purpose of these drawings should not be misunderstood. While their practicability in general has been tested, they are obviously not offered as final or constructive plans that can be executed without further study and revision. Nor is it expected that all these plans will be carried out at once, some must wait for years. Primarily, they are intended to awaken and form public opinion, and to present the general ideas which should regulate and control the improvement of the city, ideas which, it is believed, may be safely endorsed by the Civic Improvement Committee in its present public-spirited movement. To all of the members of that committee, and especially to Mr. Julius Wangenheim, its chairman, and to Mr. George W. Marston, my thanks are due for a wise and painstaking co-operation. They contributed an indispensable element.

San Diego has the location and the physical foundation in general for an important, perhaps a great city. Its people are awake to its needs, and are resolved to meet them. It stands, therefore, upon the threshold of a truly sound and far-reaching development; for, when to superb natural advantages and human enterprise are added a sound public policy and a comprehensive plan of action, who can doubt the outcome? 

Cambridge, Mass. September, 1908

Download   San Diego A Comprehensive Plan for its Improvement



City Plan for San Diego

Title         City Plan for San Diego California

Author    John Nolen

Contents    36pages

Publication Information    Harvard Square, Cambridge, Mass. 1926


Download    City Plan for San Diego California