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Development Services

Making a DSD Public Records Request

Thank you for your interest in submitting a Public Records Act (PRA) Request. DSD respects the public's right to receive records maintained by the department in a timely manner. DSD receives hundreds of PRA requests each month, so in an effort to improve efficiency and ensure the quickest access to public records, we created the following guide to assist you in making a request.

Please note that the PRA process may not be used to answer specific questions; it is intended only to provide records.

Building Records Prior to 1955

DSD does not maintain any records prior to 1955. For records of properties built before 1955, please contact the County Assessor's Office at 619-236-3771 or 858-565-5920.

How We Can Best Assist You

The number one way to help us help you is to make a request for Identifiable records. Generally, the more information you provide us, the easier it is to deliver the requested records. Providing additional contextual information for your request is not required, but it allows Records to conduct a more focused search and may expedite a response.

For example, requesting records for an accident that occurred in a stairwell of a cannabis facility:

  • Without context: “Please provide all records related to 1234 Main St.”

    This request would result in a delayed response and production of documents that are not useful for the requester.  For instance, this property history included public hearings, environmental studies, and other document submittals pertaining to the Conditional Use Permit as well as permits for previous uses at the same site.
  • With context: “An accident occurred at 1234 Main St in January 2020. Please provide the inspection report and Building Plans showing the staircase(s) specifications, approval, and completion.”

    Modifying the original request with additional information can lead to a quicker response with more concise results.

For records relating to a property or a group of properties, please provide either:

  • The associated address(es) and/or parcel number(s) and the type(s) of records needed, or
  • A project number for completed or active development and the type(s) of records needed.

Providing a specific time frame or date range to search through can help in expedite our research and response. For example, “June 1, 2024 – present.” Please note that there is a 5-year retention policy for emails, so email communication going back further than five years from the current date is not available.

If a City Employee assisted in the past or is listed as the point of contact, including their name and contact information in a request can also help expedite the release of records.

The Permitting Process

Permits and Approvals 
DSD’s book of business consists of the issuance, review and inspection of various permit types throughout the City, and the enforcement of the Land Development Code regulations. Please note, the City of San Diego has no jurisdiction over properties located outside the established San Diego City Limits.

The permits issued by DSD are subject to either a ministerial or a discretionary review process. Ministerial permits are issued by DSD employees on project plans determined to be in compliance with codified standards and regulations, such as a Building Permit for a house. Most permits processed by DSD are Ministerial.

In contrast, Discretionary approvals are not allowed by right. Discretionary projects are reviewed and approved by staff after certain findings are made or are subject to a public hearing conducted by a decision maker to deliberate, make findings, and exercise independent judgment.

Permits Issued from 2003 to present: Permit information from 2003 onward is available online through OpenDSDour online permitting portal, and Permit Finder. (Permit Finder Note: There are many instances where parcel numbers have changed over time or no longer exist. If a parcel showing icons for approvals does not appear to run a report when selected, toggle off the “Parcels” layer from the “Layers” tab and select the approval icon(s) to view the associated metadata).

Permits Issued before 2003:

  • Ministerial permits issued before 2003 are not maintained in electronic format but are available to inspect and copy. To inspect these records or to obtain copies, you may visit our office in person and utilize our self-service stations during normal business hours. No appointment is required. See our website for the address and hours of operation.
  • Some Discretionary permits issued before 2003 may be maintained in electronic format, but many are not. If you would like copies of discretionary permits issued prior to 2003, we recommend that you submit a Public Records Request prior to coming to our office so that staff can determine in which format the records exist.

The cost to make copies is $0.25/page, or if the actual cost of making copies in a specific situation is substantially different from twenty-five cents ($0.25) per page, a separate fee may be charged based on the actual cost of copying the record.

Architectural/Building/Floor Plans

The Public Records Act exempts certain records from public disclosure. One such exemption includes the architectural renderings used to process certain permits, and DSD will not provide copies of those protected plans except with the express written consent of the designer or architect who drafted the plans. However, building plans can be viewed at our office through an in-person appointment that can be scheduled here. The process to view/obtain plans is outlined here.

Public Improvement Plans, “As-Builts,” and D-Sheets
DSD maintains drawings of Public Improvement Plans/as-builts and can typically provide these records through the PRA process. Public improvements may include water mains, storm drains, sewer mains/laterals, grading plans, vacations, eases, dedications, traffic signals, road striping, etc.

Most recent D-Sheet numbers can be identified by utilizing DSD-P.R.I.M.E. After identifying the needed D-Sheet numbers, all requests for D-Sheets related to franchise utility work should be submitted to Inquiries for all other private projects should be submitted to

Some B, C, D, and L drawings are publicly available from the Engineering and Capital Projects Department.

If you have the drawing number(s) for the record(s) you are interested in, please include it/them in your records request. Specify whether you are interested in specific sheets or an entire drawing set. For specific sheets, please provide the sheet numbers.

If the drawing number(s) is unknown, provide an address, parcel number, or the streets/crossroads for the area of interest.

Maps and Surveys
DSD maintains various map types, including Zoning, Parcel, Subdivision, Tentative, Drainage/Sewer/Water, 800’ Scale, and Base. Please clarify which type of map is needed.

DSD does not conduct any land surveys. If you are interested in a specific project for which a survey was conducted, please provide the project number. Additional survey information is available from the Engineering and Capital Projects (ECP) department. For information about ECP surveys, please contact them directly.

Inspections are conducted after obtaining a permit and beginning construction work. Inspections are required before any work can be covered or concealed. Additional inspection information is publicly available online here. The date of inspections can be found through our online permitting portal and OpenDSD.

Inspection reports for completed inspections can be generated upon request. Providing the permit and/or project number may expedite a response. Permit and project numbers can be found through our online permitting portal, OpenDSD, and the Permit Finder.

Additional inspection information is available through our website here.

Physical Project Files and Documents

Most of the records held by DSD are not maintained in electronic format. DSD began accepting some submittals electronically in 2018. If a project you are interested in was submitted prior to 2018, the records are likely only available in physical format. A full set of files for these projects can be made available for you to inspect and/or copy with an in-person appointment.

The cost to make copies is $0.25/page or, if the actual cost of making copies in a specific situation is substantially different from twenty-five cents ($0.25) per page, a separate fee may be charged based on the actual cost of copying the record.


DSD’s Open Data Portal contains comprehensive project data. The data available includes information from our legacy system, which contains applications submitted in paper dating back to 2003.

The Open Data Portal also contains applications submitted electronically through our current cloud-based system since 2018. Combined, these datasets comprise a detailed catalog of applications processed by DSD since 2003.

Documentation related to public hearings, meetings, and notices are available for download from our website. This includes hearings by the San Diego City Council, Planning Commission, Historical Resources Board, and Hearing Officer; public meetings with the Technical Advisory Ad Hoc Committee, Code Monitoring Team, and Wetlands Advisory Board; and public notices for hearings, CEQA compliance requests, and the City Bulletin of Public Notices.