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Development Services

The purpose of this information bulletin is to explain permitting requirements for installing a newly constructed Factory-Built Housing (FBH). FBH shall comply with the applicable provisions of the City of San Diego Municipal Code, as allowed by California Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 19993 and Section 17958.7 related to the regulations and ordinances.


Per Health & Safety Code, Section 19971, FBH refers to a residential building, dwelling unit, or an individual dwelling room or combination of rooms thereof, or building component, assembly, or system manufactured in such a manner that all concealed parts or processes of manufacture cannot be inspected before installation at the building site without disassembly, damage, or destruction of the part, including units designed for use as part of an institution for resident or patient care, that is either wholly manufactured or is in substantial part manufactured at an offsite location to be wholly or partially assembled onsite in accordance with building standards published in the California Building Standards Code and other regulations adopted by the commission pursuant to Section 19990 . FBH does not include a mobile home, as defined in Section 18008, a recreational vehicle, as defined in Section 18010.5, or a commercial modular, as defined in Section 18012.5.

Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)

FBH projects can include both FBH housing and site-built construction. The AHJ span of authority is determined based upon the design proposed. The section below describes the applicable AHJ for the different portions possible for FBH projects.

  1. FBH Housing

    The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) of the State of California Housing has jurisdiction over all FBH as defined, in Section I. HCD certifies Design Approval Agencies (DAA) to review the FBH designs and supporting calculations to both the requirements of the CBC and FBH regulations contained in Title 25 Chapter 3, Subchapter 1. The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) of the State of California Housing certify Quality Assurance Agencies (QAA) to inspect the FBH at the time of construction to both the requirements of the CBC and FBH regulations contained in Title 25 Chapter 3, Subchapter 1.

  2. Site-Built Portions

    Site-built portions are under local jurisdiction of the City of San Diego (known hereafter as the City) for both review and inspection except for single-dwelling unit FBH foundations which can be under HCD jurisdiction. Note that the connections between FBH units or panels are considered site-built and are reviewed and inspected by the City.

  3. Non-Residential Uses

    Uses and occupancies other than those for residential purposes can be under the jurisdiction of HCD if they are ancillary to the residential portions and consist of less than 10% of the area of the story in which they are located. Rooms or spaces indicated as Incidental Uses per the California Building Code (CBC) can also be under the jurisdiction of HCD. All other non-residential uses/occupancies under the jurisdiction of the City for both plan review and inspection.

  4. Additions, Alterations or Modifications to FBH

    After installation of the FBH units or building components, any additions, alterations, or modifications to FBH units or building components are under the jurisdiction of the City for both review and inspection. Items structurally damaged during transit or during the construction process are also under the jurisdiction of the City. For detailed information concerning how construction changes to approved plans are required to be prepared, refer to Information Bulletin 118.

  5. Request for Alternates

    The City of San Diego can review and approve Requests for Alternate for portions of the project that are under the jurisdiction of the City of San Diego, as described above. Portions that are under the jurisdiction of HCD that require Requests for Alternates must be submitted to the DAA for review and approval.

Submittal Requirements

  1. Forms
    1. Project Contacts Information Form

      The Project Contacts Information Form (DS-345) must be submitted with all projects.

    2. Owner-Builder Verification Form

      The Owner-Builder Verification Form (DS-3042) is required if the property owner is acting as the general contractor. If you are not a licensed contractor and intend on performing the work yourself or hiring licensed subcontractors, an Owner-Builder Verification form must be completed and submitted with your project documents.

    3. Hazardous Materials Reporting Form

      The Hazardous Materials Reporting Form (DS-165) is required for all projects requiring a Building Permit except for single dwelling unit and duplex projects.

    4. Water Meter Data Card

      A Water Meter Data Card (DS-16) must be completed if new plumbing fixtures are being added. This form is not required when replacing or relocating existing fixtures.

    5. Stormwater Requirements Applicability Checklist

      Form DS-560 will be used to determine the storm water requirements for the project and is required for every plan submittal.

  2. Plans
    1. Submittal Package. A full set of plans, calculations and reports must be submitted. See our Project Submittal Manual, Section 2 for plan submittal requirements.
    2. DAA Stamp. Each sheet approved by the DAA must bear a legible stamp of approval by HCD with a submittal date and a valid expiration date. Note that this is not required for the Early Reviews described in Section III B.
    3. Resume of Work. A completed Resume of Work, as approved in the Pre-Development meeting, clearly identifying the work under HCD jurisdiction and the work under the City’s jurisdiction for both plan review and inspection. The resume of work can be by Sheet Number or by scope of work or both as long as it is very clear to all who is reviewing and inspecting what portions of the work.
    4. Scope of Work. The scope of work must be on the title sheet which specifies what work is FBH and what (if any) is site-built. The scope of work must clarify whether the FBH is modular or panelized and if there are any additional site improvements or additional structures that are not FBH.

Submittal Process

  1. Pre-Development Meeting

    FBH projects are assigned active Project Managers based upon availability for complex FBH projects. Before submitting to the DAA or DSD, email  to schedule a pre-development meeting. This meeting is critical to a successful project so that all stakeholders are on board with the proposed resume of work, the proposed schedule, proposed deferred submittal items and the responsibilities for each jurisdiction review and inspection. This meeting will include Senior City Staff, the designer(s), owners, the DAA, and QAA, as necessary.

  2. Early Reviews

    FBH projects will not be put into full DSD review until the DAA has approved and stamped all plans and calculations. However, we recognize the need for reviews that are not affected by the DAA review for complex FBH projects. The following reviews can be performed prior to submittal of the approved DAA plans. Note that the plans should be the same plans that were sent to the DAA for review along with all documents required in section below. The following disciplines can be put into early review: 

    1. Planning Review
    2. Historic Review 
    3. Engineering Building Review 
    4. Facilities Financing 
    5. Fire Plan Review 
    6. Landscape Review
  3. Full Submittal
    Once the plans are stamped and approved by the DAA, the full project can be put into review for all review disciplines. Plans submitted to the City for the review and permit issuance of a FBH must include all documents listed in the Project Submittal Manual and the following:
    1. Scope of work must state “Factory-Built Housing” on the plans and in the application. 
    2. Each sheet of the FBH plans approved by DAA must bear a legible stamp of approval by the HCD with a submittal date and a valid expiration date.
    3. Approved manufacturer installation plans/manual (if applicable). 
    4. Scope of Work on the title sheet shall clearly and separately specify work included under HCD and under City jurisdictions. In addition, scope of work shall specify any site improvement, or any additional structure proposed under the permit application. 
    5. The approved Resume of Work on the plans clearly identifying elements that are reviewed by HCD and the City. Refer to Appendix A in this bulletin for a sample of resume of work. This table shall be consistent with the scope of work shown on plans. 
    6. A narrative should also be provided for complex projects for items not easily called out in the Resume of Work such as CalGreen items, structural calculations, etc. 
    7. Connection details. 
    8. Foundation plans. 
    9. Site plan showing point of connections for all utilities (water, gas, sewer, electrical). For additional information refer to Information Bulletin 122, How to Prepare Site Plan and Vicinity Map.
  4. Deferred Submittals

    Items that are not installed at the factory can be deferred when permitted in Information Bulletin 188.

City Review Scope for FBH Portions

Although the FBH housing portions are reviewed and approved by the DAA, there are portions of the project that still will be reviewed by the City.

  1. Site-Related Issues. Items such as the accessible path of travel, fire separation distance, Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone requirements, fire department access, soil conditions, geological hazards, planning/zoning issues, height limits due to FAA or Proposition D, etc., must be reviewed by the City. In addition, all connections to utilities will be reviewed along with locations of backflow preventors.

  2. Local Amendments. The San Diego Municipal Code (SDMC) amends certain Codes and Standards that must be reviewed. As such, the City will review all local requirements contained in the SDMC such as requirements for submeters, noise requirements, AEDs, Class A roof assemblies, outdoor lighting. In addition, the City will review discretionary permit conditions and the need for permits from other agencies such as Fire Department Permits, San Diego County permits, etc.

  3. Big Picture Items. To avoid any potential pitfalls and make sure that the major issues are addressed, the City will perform a cursory review over main issues for building permits including the following items: 

    1. Overall height and area 

    2. High-rise determination 

    3. Elevator requirements

    4. Plumbing and mechanical overall design 

    5. Energy forms for projects with Site-Built Construction 

    6. Sprinkler and fire alarm requirements

Code Edition

FBH housing projects are reviewed by the DAA for the code edition applicable at the time of submittal to the DAA. The approval for a FBH housing project is valid for 3 years after approval. The City will review the entire project, including the site-built portions, for the code edition that the FBH housing was approved.

Submitting for a Permit

FBH projects require a building permit and must be submitted electronically through the online portal, selecting Building Permit. In the application, select the request for Active Project Management if you have previously been approved for Active Project Management to avoid delays.

 Project Fees

The following fees are required to be paid prior to review unless otherwise indicated below. For your convenience, DSD offers online payments. Payment may also be made in person by cash, check, debit card, Visa or MasterCard credit cards. Checks shall be in the exact amount, drawn on US banks, and made payable to the “City Treasurer.” 

Refer to Information Bulletin 501, Fee Schedule, Construction Permits – Structures, for all applicable fees.  FBH portions will be charged based upon either the FBH SDU or FBH MDU fees.  All site-built construction will be charged based upon the applicable fees contained in Information Bulletin 501.

Please note that plan check fees and other administrative fees are non-refundable. See Refund Policy noted within Refund Application Form DS-721 for additional refund information.


For inspection requirements, refer to Information Bulletin 120. Special inspections will be required as specified in Chapter 17 of the CBC. Projects proposing phased construction/occupancy must comply with Information Bulletin 719. For specifics on inspection related to FBH, see below. 

  1. Site-Built Portions. The City will inspect all portions of site-built construction. 

  2. Damage During Transit. If damage occurs to the FBH unit, any repair to the unit that is per the approved plans will be inspected by the City inspectors. Any damage that requires modification to the unit that is not per the approved plans will require a Construction Change to be submitted for review. Once approved, the City inspector will inspection the repair.

  3. Connections

    1. Buried Structural Connections. Any structural connection that is buried underneath units or within the construction must be inspected by a special inspector. The special inspector will be required to document each connection made and provide a report to the City inspector. Buried connections, other than structural connections, are not allowed.

    2. Utility Connections. All utility connections shall be provided with access panels of sufficient size to allow for City inspectors to verify proper connection.

Previous Versions of this Information Bulletin

This section contains previous versions of this Information Bulletin by the last day they were effective. 

 Appendix A - Sample Resume of Work

Appendix A - Sample Resume of Work