Minimum Standards for Renewal of Roof Covering
January 2025
This information bulletin is intended to explain the permitting requirements for the renewal of roof coverings. The provisions of Chapter 15 of the California Building Code(CBC) and Chapter 9 of the California Residential Code(CRC) shall govern the design, materials, construction and quality of roof assemblies and rooftop structures, as applicable and as amended by the San Diego Municipal Code (SDMC) in Chapter 14, Article 5, Division 15.
Permit Requirements
A permit is required for the renewal (replacement, alteration or modification) of roof coverings when one or more of the following conditions occur:
- Where alteration or replacement of structural framing members, roof sheathing/decking (plywood or oriented-strand board), support elements, lateral-resisting elements, or foundation system is required due to renewal of roof covering. Structural framing plans and structural calculations are required to justify for adequacy of vertical load and lateral load capacity of structural system.
- Where the existing wood shakes, wood shingles, or asphalt shingles are removed and replaced with a new roofing material weighing more than six (6) pounds per square foot. Structural framing plans and structural calculations to verify adequacy of roof framing system are required.
- Where the existing spaced ‘skip’ sheathing is removed and new roof sheathing/decking (plywood or oriented-strand board) is installed. Structural framing plans and structural calculations to verify adequacy of roof framing system are required.
- Where the project site contains a designated historical resource or is located within the boundaries of an adopted historic district, a permit is always required for renewal of roof coverings. See Section II of this information bulletin for additional information.
Exemptions to Permit Requirements A - C
- For single-family homes, duplexes and townhouses only, damaged roof sheathing/decking may be removed and replaced in-kind without a permit provided the accumulative surface area of sheathing/decking replaced does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the entire roof surface area. Sheathing nailing size and spacing shall be in accordance with the requirements of the governing code or matching the existing roof sheathing nailing, whichever is more restrictive.
- A building permit is not required for renewal of roof coverings on any building permitted by the California Building Code and the California Residential Code, where the existing roof structure, including roof diaphragm, is not altered. Refer to SDMC Section 129.0203 for additional requirements.
- Where the existing spaced ’skip’ sheathing is to remain in place and new plywood or oriented-strand board is placed over the existing ‘skip’ sheathing serving as a substrate to the new roofing material, provided the weight of the new roofing material including the plywood /oriented-strand board does not exceed six (6) pounds per square foot.
Historic Review
- If the project involves any parcel with a designated historical resource or is located within the boundaries of an adopted historic district, historical review is required. Please refer to Information Bulletin 581, Designated Historical Resource Review, for additional Historic Review information.
- If the site contains buildings or structures 45 years old or older, plans must be submitted for historic review, unless the project scope is for “in-kind roof repair and replacement” as exempted per SDMC Section 143.0212. The length of this review will typically be ten business days. See Information Bulletin 580, Potential Historical Resource Review, for submittal requirements.
Additional Requirements
- The renewal of roof covering for structures located in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) shall comply with additional fire protection requirements per Chapter 7A of the California Building Code (CBC) as amended by SDMC, Chapter 14, Article 5, Division 7, or Section R337 of the California Residential Code (CRC) as amended by SDMC, Chapter 14, Article 9, Division 3, as applicable. These provisions apply to buildings originally constructed on or after August 27, 2009. To determine whether or not a building is subject to these additional regulations, refer to the Very High Fire Severity Zone Map on the Fire-Rescue Department’s web page or at the following link.
- Where existing roof-mounted photovoltaic panels (PV) are removed in order to renew roof covering, an electrical permit is required to re-install the PV panels. Refer to Information Bulletin 301 for detailed requirements for photovoltaic systems.
- Where existing roof-mounted equipment or their associated duct/piping system are removed in order to renew roof covering, a mechanical or plubming permit is required to re-install the same or new equipment and their associated duct/piping system.
- Where the existing roof has two applications of asphalt shingles or built-up roof coverings, new roof coverings shall not be installed without first removing all existing layers of roof coverings down to the roof deck.
- The replacement of a roof covering may trigger compliance with the California Energy Code (CEC). See CEC, Section 150.2(b)1 I, for requirements
- Renewals of roof covering using wood shingles or wood shakes are not permitted, except as allowed in California Historical Building Code Section 8-408 and San Diego Municipal Code Section 145.1510. New roof coverings shall not be applied over existing wood shakes or wood shingles.
Roof Assembly Classification
Refer to Table A below for minimum roof assembly classification requirements.
Submittal Requirements
Refer to Project Submittal Manual, Section 2 (for multi-family and non-residential structures) or 2A (for single family/duplex or townhouse structures) for submittal requirements. Plans and document for renewal of roof covering that require a building permit must be submitted electronically through the online portal by selecting the Building Construction application. For questions about your user account or assistance with the online permitting system, contact 619-446-5000.
Refer to Information Bulletin 501, Fee Schedule, Construction Permits - Structures for all applicable fees.
Table A-Minimum Roof Covering Classification
Type of Roof | Roof Covering Classification |
| A |
| The entire roof shall be a Class “A” roof assembly. |
| A |
| The entire roof shall be a Class “A” roof assembly |
| A |
Previous Versions of this Information Bulletin
This section contains previous versions of this Information Bulletin by the last day they were effective.