W.W Padricks Subd Block 11
W.W PADRICKS SUBD BLOCK 11.tif C W~)l. PAOBI CKSola& B 1 ock 11 W 1/3 of Lot 12- Permit to Francis A. & Virgina A. McKinnon to const. 9'XI 11 bedroom add to exist res. 10" sideyard 1801 F St/ Res. No. 3670 5-4-49 E of W 2/3 of Lot 12- Permit to Albert A Baker to const. 6 1 x 10' enclosed porch add. to exist res. with 2 1 sideyard 1811 F;l'Stil' Res. No. 3863 5-4-49 Lot 11- Permit to Douglas A. & Wanda m. Hancey to make int. & ext. alterations to a 4-ugit aJ!t. having 46 11 sideye on S side & 32" sideyd on N !de at 753- 18th St.- Condi. Res.s 5574 5-31-51