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Development Services

Wright's Subd_001_Card

WRIGHT'S SUBD_001_CARD.tif --A.~lf /(,Hf" /J.d, ~- WIGHT'S SUBD. #I t.(:2_.f!JG' l7ZJ I Lot 4- Permit to A.B. Wrignt {Ord 12321) suspended to allov a sin fam res, SB 5' on Kalmia Pl. Res, 76283 2-24-42 Lot 21- Permit DENIED to A.B. Wrignt to const masonry wall within front SB line, along side & front, 6 1 ni, approx 100' long on 29th St. approx 150' N of Juniper. Res. 4206 10-5-49 Lot 5- Permit to Clyde K. & Ora D. Stroburg to const sin fam res & gar with 10' SB where 15' res, soutn side of Kalmia Pl., 150' to 200' west of 29th St., R-1 Zone. c-1115 4-8-57 Lot 4- Permit to May A. & Josephine Bridson to const carport obs 10' SB (15' req) at 2825 Kalmia Pl., Zone R-1, condl c-2380 3-20-59 Por Lots 2 & 3- Permit to CJ & Maxine Paderewski to canst sin fam dwell obs 12 1 SB on Kalmia Pl where 15 1 estab. SW cor Kalmla Pl & 29th St., Zone R-1-5 C-12823 N.H. 91374 Lots 2 & 3- Permit to RICHARD L. & MONIQUE DEMAN to constr a a 51 frt setback with entry bridge & drivewy bridge to obs at 15 1 is estab; bdg heights to be approx 33' where a max 30 1 is 2370 29th St, Zone R-1-5. C-13,658 sf d to obs at closest point closest point a 0 1 SB where perm located south of 6-23-76------------------------------------------------------~--------------------