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Development Services

Wood Acres

WOOD ACRES.tif WOOD ACRES Lot 2- Permit to James J. & Dorotny C. Poet to erect 6 1 hi chain link fence obs 0' SB on La Jolla Scenic Dr. (15' SB req) 1795 La Jolla Rancho Rd., R-1.A. C-4456 NH 10-6-61 Lot 2- Permit to James J. & Dorothy c. Poet to convert exist gar to fam rm; to canst bedrm & bath, lndry rm & 3 car gar to exist sin fam res; gar to encroach 8 1 into estab 30' SB at 1795 La Jolla Rancho Rd., Zone R-1-4O. C-7538 1-11-66 Lot I- Permit to Dr. David H. & Lee R. Katz to erect a 12' high tennis court fence with eight 18'-high lights to obs a JO' rear yard and a 6' interior side yard. 1775 La Jolla Rancho Road. R-1-40 Zone. Conditions. C-1553~- 12-5-78. Lot 1, Fence/Yard Variance was approved by SCA, KATZ FAMILY TRUST/DAVID 7 KATZ, TRUSTEE sought a variance to maintain, currenlty in violation: 1) an open carport structure encroaching 3'-0" into an established 30'-0" front yard setback and 2' into the required 10' side yard setback; and 2) a 6' to 7' solid fence with gates within the required front yard/set- back and visibility area, where a maximum 6' high fence is allowed/pro- vided it complies with design criteria at 1775 La Jolla Rancho Road, lU-40,000 Zone C-21436 2-26-97