Wonderland Beach Block 104 Card 2
WONDERLAND BEACH BLOCK 104 CARD 2.tif-~ WONDERLAND BEACH BLOCK 104 Card:#t Lots 18 and 19- Permit to Etha D. Kowal and Bill Brondy to const an J8'x54' addn and move on a second-story l8'x24' structure to an exs sfd (I) the new two-story structure to obs 4'9" front yard; (2) new second-story addn to obs a 10'3" rear yard; (3) provide 114,sq. ft. of grass without a sprinkler system. 5126 West Point Loma Blvd. R-4 Zone. Condi- tions. C-14~87 NH. 12-16-77. Lot 20- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JOHN G. DONNELLY AND LAWRENCE G. AND KATHERINE L. ALAMEDA to construct a single-family dwel 1 ing observing {I) a 10' front yard where 15' is required; (2) 3' interior yards where 4 1 is 'required; and (3) a 9' rear yard at closest point where 15' is required, at 5124 West Point Loma Boulevard, Zone R-4. Condition. C-14441 7-29-77 Lot 18- Permit was considered by A2A to ETHA KOWAL, owner; ROBERT D, HAWCK, purchaser, to construct a two-story, single-family dwelling (1) observing a front yard of 9'-7" where 15'' is required; (2) observing interior side yards of 3' where 4' is required; (3) covering 60% of the lot where 50% coverage is the maximum permitted; (4) parking space depth of 19.5' where 20 1 is required for inside garage dimensions; (5) provide 60 sq. ft, of landscaping where 150 sq. ft. is required, located at 5128 West Point Lorna Boulevard, Zone R-4. DECISION: (1) APPROVE dwelling observing 9'-7" front yard; (2) APPROVE interior side yards of 3 1; (3) DENY 60% coverage; (4) DENY 19.5' depth for garage;and (5) APPROVE 60 sq. ft. of landscaping where 150 sq. ft. is required. Conditions. C-18066 6-17-83