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Development Services

Wonderland Beach Block 104 Card 1

WONDERLAND BEACH BLOCK 104 CARD 1.tif WONDERLAND BEACH BLOCK 104 Lots 21 & 22- Permit to S.D. Building & Loan, R-4 (Ord. 12793) suspended to permit dining room on w. Pt. Loma Blvd. Res. 59986 4-17-33 Lots 2,3,5 lying above Mean High Tide Line & all 6-16- & D.J. Sass, own to build & oper 48 unit notel or motel St., condl, Zone R-4. AMENDED 6-28-66 Permit to Hobart Invest Co., lessee on W. Pt. Loma Blvd. at Voltaire CUP C-3146 4-13-60 Por Lots 2,3, & 5 & all 6-16- Permit to Hobart Invest Co., lessee, D.L. Sass, own to const motel obs 8 1 rear yd, per plans on file, (15' rear yd & 10' at extreme rear req) W. Pt. Loma Blvd., oppos end of Voltaire St., Zone R-4. C-3660 NH 10-27-60 Lots 6-14 & por 2,3,5 above Mean Tide Line- Permit to Ocean Villa Motel to canst & aper 40' hi dble face revolv sign. CUP C-3979 5-10-61------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C-3146 ABOVE APPEALED by L.G. Scnlick concerning the P.C. granting tne amendment on 4-13-60. Council DENIED the appeal & upheld the decision of tne P.C. CUP C-3146 8-4-66 Lots 2,3 & 5- Permit to Richard B, and Barbara Mears to operate a 56-unit, 112-bed residen1 care faciltty for the elderly at the NE cor of West Point Loma Blvd.and Voltaire St. Also Lots 6-16. Zone R-4i. 4o4-PC 3-27-74-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------