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Development Services

Winthrop Highlands Card 1

WINTHROP HIGHLANDS CARD 1.tif W!NTHOOP HIGHLANllS \" \ 0 Lot 3- Permit to A.T. Procopia to erect & opera room above a gar, 4' side yd, 17' rear yd, lot cover of 401, at 2369 Hickory St. Res. 64911 9-15-36 NEly 50' of Lots 7 & 8- Condl permit to Curtis P. Green to add lndry to rear of exist gar with billiard rm above, no rear yd, 4319 Arista Dr. Res. 1314 1-31-46 Lot 2- Permit to E.E. Arganbright to const an add approx 20' x 24' to an exist gar & remodel exist gar, making it over 500 sq ft in area, 18" side yd & 2' rear yd, 2361 Hickory St., subj to architectural approval of plans by the Planning Dept. Res. 3462 10-6-48 Lots 9 & 10- Permit to Abe & Mollie Sackheim to const 2l' x 28' bath above, to have 14' rear yd (agreement) 2378 Presidio Dr. Res. SEE AGREEMENT #788 gar witn rumpus rm & 7251 3-18-53 Lots 9 & 10- AGREEMENT to Abe & Mollie Sackneim to const 22' x 28' gar with rumpus rm & bath above, to have 14' rear yd. A-788 3-26-53 Lots 7 & 8- AGREEMENT to Curtis P. Green to const a lndry as an addn to an exist gar & to const a billiard rm above witn no rear yd & have applied for a yd variance by petition No. 3440 dated 1-18-46. A-403 2-4-46