Wilshire Place Block 9
WILSHIRE PLACE BLOCK 9.tif WILSHIRE PLACE BLOCK 9 Lots 11 & 12- Permit to A.C, Mann to ma.int porch posts, to within 14 1 6" of p.l. on 42nd St. Res. 64869 9-1-36 Lot 42, NB 1/3' of 41, S 8 1/3' of 43- Permit DENIED to Mrs, Earl sweet, pur & R,G, & Margaret J. Snow, own to oper beauty shop in exist gar or res at 4474 Copeland Ave., R-4. Res. 9079 8-3-55----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 13 ~ 14- Permit DENIED to William & Diana Myrdal to maintain exist gar converted to living unit obs 1'4" sideyd and 11'10" rear yd, where 15' rear yd and 3' sideyd are req, at 4441- 42nd St.betw Monroe & Meade Ave., ZoQe R-4. c-10236 12-29-70