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Development Services

Whitney's Addn Block 41

WHITNEY'S ADDN BLOCK 41.tif WHITNEY'S ADDITION ~CK 41 lo N50' Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Robt. R. Elliott to operate a lndry full time at 3095 National Ave. with 25 h,p. equip & 4 employees; business to be operated in an exist bldg. Res. 1442 3-29-46 N25' of S90' of Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Hugh A. Vaughn, own & Thomas M. Neese, lessee to use a 20' x 50' bldg for poultry market & for slaughtering & processing of chickens, condl, 1010 s. 31st St. Res. 2924 3-10-48 Lots 22-24- Permit DENIED to Wm. Pucher, own & Harry L. & Dorothy s. Bates, lessees, to oper storage yd for police impounding motor vehicles; etc., stor area to be enc with 61 fence, 3005 National Ave. Res. 5941 10-17-51 Lots 45,46 & 47 ZA APPROVED request of ADOLFO & AIDA VILLEGAS 1) to move 2 identical single-family ho;es onto a lot (to replace a 5-unit apartment bldg. destroyed by fire) where such action is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only 2) to connect the 2 bldgs. together to create a 4-bedroom, single-family home providing a 64 1 diagonal dimension where the max. permitted is 40'; 3) to provide 600 sq. ft. of landscaping where 785 sq. ft. is reqd. 4) to located off-street parking spaces (a) in an interior side yard which is not permitted, (b) a distance of 4 1 from 1 iving area where 10' is reqd., & (c) to provide no landscaping between parking area & residence where 5' of said 10 1 shall be landscaped at 1026 South 31st St., Zone R-3000 with conds. c-19185 5/23/86