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Development Services

Wheeler's Subd. Card 1

WHEELER'S SUBD. CARD 1.tif ';JHEELcill. 1 S 51.Ji:J.Jl!ISICN s CAfill #1 Lot 1- F'ermi t block wall 121 10 1 is req_, at to Richard George '-':heeler to erect single faced, 8 1 x j' sign on 5 1 high long, advertising!:UIZCN HCUSi-.J200 1-tUS:ii:C~;\.NS, observing 6 1 SB where J276..:t.osecrans St.,!if~-Jl;y cor 1tosecrans & 1.:.:vergr,3en Sts, Zone H.P. Case:Jc. 6041 8-17-64 Lot 1, Permit to Richard George Wheeler to const. 4-story off bldg. with exist 1 & 2-story off. bldgs. Addn to result in gross floor area of 32,000 sq. ft. & provide 6o park space where 81 space req, 2 of the 60 space tandem space where all req park space ar to ope~~~-~-~~~~e:z..or_driveway______________________ c-10823_____________ 11-4-71________