Westridge #2 Card 2
WESTRIDGE #2 CARD 2.tif WESTRIDGE UNIT #2 5 lf Ot"- S \J CARD #2 Lot 171- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JAMES R, AND DENICE WARREN to construct approximately 60' of 6 1-011 high sol id fence observing a 0'-011 setback adjoining Gaylord Drive where a 3'-0" high fence is permitted in established 8 1-011 setback, located at 3602 Morlan Street, Zone R-1-5. C-18348 NH 2-28-84 Lot 112- ZA OENIED request of MANUEL & PRUDENCE CHAVEZ to constr. a 550.48 sq. ft. second story guest house with a 117.96 sq, ft. deck above an existing detached garage at 3683 Conrad Ave., Zone Rl-5000. C-19098 3/12/86 Lot 118- ZA Approved subject to conditions the request of Shirley Vaine to maintain existing guest quarters where such use is permitted by CUP only at 3633 Conrad Ave, Zoned Rl-5000 C-19760 10/30/87--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 100- AGREEMENT with Frank Balistreri, Gaetano Balistreri to construct a s:!.ngle story addition containing a bedroom, rec. room and a craft room accessed from the family room. Addition has no outside and no plumbing access, at 3709 Merrimac Ave. Zone Rl-5000 Agreement# A-5104 8-19-91