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Development Services

Weston Highlands Card 1

WESTON HIGHLANDS CARD 1.tif WESTON HIGHLANDS Por Lot 9- Permit to Wm.E. & Wanda F. Linthicum, own & Frank & Bart G. Robles, pur to erect sin fam res, betw Orten & Illion Sts. Res. 6458 5-14-52 Res. 6458- Ext of 6 mos Res. 7010 11-26-52 Lot 8- Permit DENIED to Alvin L. & Rose Bennett to constr rumpus room & bath addn to exist res, add to obs 14' rear yd (25' req) at 4740 Orton St., Zone R-1. c-423 4-30-56 Por Lot 12, Par B of DP 362-.ASREEMENT #1610 to Beatrice B. Burns to const sin fam dwell with bar sink in fam rm on lower floor at the 2000 blk of Illion st., Zone R-1-5. A-1610 10-16-69 Lot 12, Par B of DP;362- Permit to Beatrice B. Burns to constr a sin fam dwell (1) obs all yds but result in approx 421, cover where 4Ci is perm & (2) to erect approx 150' of concrete blk retain wall ranging in ht from l' to 8 1 obs a O' front jd & l' interior side yd where max 3' hi wall is perm in 40' estab SB & max 6 1 hi wall is perm in 4 1 interior side yd at 2012 Illion St. betw Milton St. & Gardena St., Zone R-1-5. C-9580 NH 10-27-69 Lot 11, Map 2247- Permit to Norman H., Jr. & Estela S. Pecore to erect approx. 84 1 of max. 10' hi retaining wall observing at closest point al' front yard where max. 3' hi wall is permitted in reqd. 15' FY, at 2026 Ill ion St., Zone R-l-5. Conditions. C-17335 7/31/81