Western Hills # 3 Card 2
WESTERN HILLS # 3 CARD 2.tif WESTERN HILLS NO. 3 CARD Ml. Lot 327- Agreement to Al Ewing to construct second story addition over existing garage with full bath (no bar sink); access to said addition through garage, at 2103 Cowley Way, Zone Rl~S000. AGREEMENT #3461 3/26/86 Lot 294, Map 3372 Fence Variance ZA Approved Amended request to (1) construct a 6'-0" solid wall, 29'-9" in length, observing a 0'-0" setback where a 5'-0" setback is established and where a 3'-0" solid wall is the maximum height permitted; (2) construct a 6'-0" solid wall observing a 0'-0" setback and encroaching 2'-3' into the public right of way where a 15'-0" setback is established and where a 3'-0" solid wall is the maximum height permitted- located at 4930 September Street, Rl-5000 (HR) Zone. APPROVED w/conditions NH C-19207 4/1/87--------------------------------------------------------F9__________________ Lot 305- ZA APPROVED CUP request of INGRID LEWIN to (1) construct a guest quarters above an existing, attached garage on a lot with a single-family dwelling where such use is permitted by CUP only; and (2) to maintain, currently in violation, an 8 1-2" high fence (7'-2 11 solid with 1 1 open on top) within the 4 1 south side yard, where a max. 6 1 high solid fence with 3 1, 50% open fence on top is permitted, located at 4981 September St south of Burgener Blvd Rl-5000 Zone, Clairemont Mesa Height Limit Zone, Clairemont Mesa Communtiy Planning Area. C-21022 10/23/92