Western Hills # 3 Card 1
WESTERN HILLS # 3 CARD 1.tif WESTERN HILU3 UNIT #3 KX Lot 266- Permit to Western Hills, Inc. to use gar att to res as a tract salesoff vith sign advertising same, for 6 mos period, at 5034 February St., Zone R-1 condl to expire 1:,,8-58 C-1304 7-8-57 Lot 342- Permit to Eugene & June Klingensmith at 2105 March Place, Zone R-1-5, to constr 8 1 x 23' addition to existing garage, obs 7' front yard but DENIED 100' of 61 high fence but APPROVED 5' high fence obs 51 setback along September St. Condit. C-16050 6/21/79 Lot 325- Permit to Charles W. and Rosetta Doane at 5141 September Street NOT NECESSARY. MONEY REFUNDED. CASE 16595 NH Lot 351- SPermit to John P. & Maureen A. Lewis at 5009 February Street, WITHDRAWN 7/17/80. MONEY REFUNDED. C-16894 NH Lot 310, 2A CUP approval appealed by Planning Group. Applicant withdrew proejct, appeal not processed. C-21297 10-24-95