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Western Addn Block 35 Card 1

WESTERN ADDN BLOCK 35 CARD 1.tif WESTERN ADDITION BLOCK 35 7..,... Card #1 Sly 50' of Lots 8-11- Permit to C.E. King to const 4 unit apt bldg with 8 1 SB on Yonge St., providing a SB of 15' from curb line on Palermo is maint. Res. 2843 2-11-48 Sly50' of Lot 7- C.E. King to const a res with an 8 1 SB, Nely side of Yonge St., NWly of Palermo St. Res. 3014 4-7-48 Lots 18 & 19- Permit to K.P. Billings to const solid board fence 5' in ht., with 10' SB from Zola St., between Palermo & Warrington Sts. Res. 3553 11-17-48 Lots 8-11 (SWly50')- Permit to L.M. & Bella Karp to erect sin fam res 4' SB on Yonge cor Yonge & Palermo Dr., condl Res. 4230 10-19-49 Lots 5-7 & SEly of 4- Permit to C.E. King to const 8 unit apt bldg with 6 1 SB NE side of Yonge Approx. 120' NW of Palermo, condl Res. 6270 3-5-52 NEly50' of Lots 1-7- AGREEMENT #533 to Arthur J. Foster, Sr., to oonst sin fam res on a por of the original lots. A-533 4-20-48----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 20-24- Permit to United Guardian Corporation to develop property at the SE Cor of Zola and Warrington Sts. Zone R-2. Floor Area Ratio Exception Permit. FARP #18 11-26-74