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Development Services

Week's Addn Block 2

WEEK'S ADDN BLOCK 2.tif WEEK'S ADDN BLOCK 2 Lots 4-6- Permit to Ben J. Morris, own & Cimron Corp., lessee to use com'l bldg now under const for electronic research & development & assembly of samll elec instruments, 15 employees now & expans to 50' witn a drell press h.p. 1152 Morena Blvd., C Zone, for 5 years 6-30-66, condl C-4228 7-14-61 Ext of 5 yrs to exp 6-30-n L;;v,d.J ~- 5'11'-7(, AMENDED 3-11-64- ~ 7 5~-rr--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'