Week's Addn Block 1 Card 2
WEEK'S ADDN BLOCK 1 CARD 2.tif WEEK'S ADDITION BLOCK 1 Card-#2- Lots 11 & 12- Permit to Dr. Gregg H. & Dor. P. Wilson, own; Kierulff Electronics Inc. & Richmond Paper Co., lessees to oper wholesale paper goods, packag & warehouse el tab & operate wholesale eletron stor warehouse, 1106 & 08 Morena Blvd., Zone C, condl C-3746 12-23-60 AMEND above C-3746 to substitute as lessee, the U.S. Federal Engr Corp to o:i:er an engr business & to mfg small components for aerospace firms &others employing from 4 to 6 persons, condl ~ J:., ~ t...Jo- n (1,,.. 1.J 7J l yr ext to exp 2-21-68 (l-13-67) 2d,J;;~-~-'A C,-.Jo;(c!-{!:~;7) 2 yr ext; 't;ime t.o exp 6-30-Jl (2-12-69) ~.,t 1,,.3tJ, 7 L!:p(....11,uL-~~df-"'.k-:.lo~~-r,~.Je:J.i.J.____1.-.2-L-=---~k--f:-.f,_-.J_p_-.1:f'.{j_-!.:.z.~1- 1ots 10-- Permit to Gregg H. & Wilson, own & Wilbur E. Rule, lessee to const commercial bldg on par with non-conforming pet clinic permitted by Zone Variance Res. 7183, extended by Variance C-1888; bldg to be used as sllop for mfg of rubber protective device for milking machines, with max of 6 employees and 10 h.p. all equip, at 1102 Morena Blvd., Zone C where retail stores, garages & commercial uses witll max 15i total floor area used for mfg are perm. c-5696 5-17-63 Ext of time to exp 2-21-69 c-5696 1-31-68 Lots 17-19- Kennel, proposed to be located in tile M-1 Zone, located at_ 5105 Weeks St. by Glenn A. Hallyer is an enterprise similar to and not more obnoxious or detrimental to.the welfare of the particular community than those enterprises or businesses permitted in Sec. 101.0437 of tile M.C. CC Res. 193342 4-4-68_(1.7