Waterville Heights Resub #1 Card 2
WATERVILLE HEIGHTS RESUB #1 CARD 2.tif \vATERVILLE HEIGHTS RESUn #l Lot 2-Permit to Civic Capri Corp (6/7 interest); Hoger H. & Patricia Fitch; Thomas R. & Jacquelyn Fitch; Bernice & l{hiney Lockn:iann; Spencer & .valter Charette, tenants in ca:runoa 1/7 interest to erect & maintain:me double face flo0d li.~hted, 14' wide at top 17' wide at bott0m, approximately 10' high gr,JUnd sign observing l' setback on University Ave where 15' setback is estab. Sign to advertise Convalescent;!L:,spital permitted by CLP Case 4227, to replace exist sign in same location, at 5602 Universitf Ave, C Zone. Case No, 7190 6/16/65 Lot I- Conditional Use Permit to John R. Moore to const & oper 90-bed adult res care facility, located north side of University Ave at junct with Chol las Parkway, Zone R-1-5 and C. 395-PC 10-1 7-73