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Development Services

Waterville Heights Card 2

WATERVILLE HEIGHTS CARD 2.tif WATERVIttE HEIGHTS For Lot 22- Permit to Brock Const Co. to maint 2 exist post-mounted, sin faced, unlited, 8 1 x 20' directional signs advert "Brock Homes: in a new subd "Belleview Estates" for a period not to exceed 1 yr. at approx 200' west of 58th St. & 300' north of Hughes Sts., Zones R-1, condl c-4641 1-24-62 For Lots 17-20, 23 & 24- Permit to Mission Land Co., own & College Car Wash, lessee to erect free-stand, sin-pole, dble-faced, top por revolving, lited approx 151 sq ft sign, overall ht of sign 60 1; post to obs 15' SB with decorative legs at bottom to obs 14' SB and edge of sign to obs 10' SB from University Ave., where 15' SB per R/S 4812 is req at 5985 University Ave., Zone C-lA. SEE L~7 c-4929 5-29-62 Por Lot 28- Permit to Paul v. & Peggie G. Pierik to const 9 unit, 3 story apt bldg with bldg proper obs a min 6 1 SB & balconies obs min 3' SB where aver of blk of 9.7 1 SB is req on S side of Hughes St., approx 120' E of Audrey Ln, Zone R-4, condl 6 mos ext to 8-21-64 (2-26-64) 6 mos ext to 2-29-64 (7-29-64) 6 mos ext to 8-20-65 (3-2-65) C-5892 8-20-63 Lots 18 & 19 ROS 4812- Commercial Amusement Slide, proposed to be located in the C-lA f~Re t~c;~ed on the south side of University Ave. betw 58th & 60th Ste by Kenneth E. Dar- ~ enterprise similar to & not more obnoxious or detrimental to the welfare of ~ie particular community than those enterprises or businesses permitted in Sec. 101.0431 M.c cc Res 193343 4-4-68