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Warner Villa Tract Block 2 Card 2

WARNER VILLA TRACT BLOCK 2 CARD 2.tif l,IARNE:8 VILLA TRACT BLOCK 2 Card /12 E75' of Lot 2,- Permit to Paul B. & Betty Rayburn, Jr., to const bedrm & bath addn to exist res the add to o&ts 23' SB (34' req) & 5' side yd ~7' req) at 3755 Dudley R-lC. Existing res obs 5' side yd & exist gar obs 0' side yd. c-2053 & 52 9=19-58 Lot 5- Permit to Joachim & Suzanne Liebmann to const living room addn & alter kitche~, exist res obs 6 1 side yd (10' req) addn to obs all yd req, 3n1 Dudley St. R-lC. C-2417 4-3-59 Lot 4- Permit to Frank H. Mollenhauer to const bedroom addn to sin fam res which obs 6 1 sideyd (10' req) add to obs 6 1 at 3727 Dudley St., Zone R-lC. C-2598 6-26-59 Lot 11- Permit to Edward J. & Gertrude Schwartz to const bedroom & bath addn to exist sin fam res, obs 21' rear yd (25' req) at 3624 Warner St. Zone R-lC, condl C-3401 N.H. 6-2-60 6 mos ext to exp 6-3-61 Lot 14- Permit to James C. & Sally Haugh to convert exist gar obs 10' rear yd to play room, with bath & to att new pergola to front of gar, 3no Warner St. betw Catalina Blvd. & Silvergate Ave., R-lC, condl: this strufture never be rented nor used as separate living unit. c-4251 N.H. 7-14-61---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------