Wallace Heights Block B Card 1
WALLACE HEIGHTS BLOCK B CARD 1.tif WALLACE HEIGHTS BLOCK B)J Lots 15 & 16- Permit to Eva D. Rodabaugh, R-1 (Ord 13175) suspended to allow 2 houses on lot at 2912 Spruce St. Res. 62654 2-13-35 Lots 40-42 & E5' of 43- Permit DENIED to O.B. Palmer for const of bungalow court. 6-23-27 Lots 34 & 35- Permit DENIED to Frances C. McMillan, suspension of 13175 to allow res over gar at 2903 Thorn St. Res. 72967 12-24-40 Lots 34 & 35- Permit to F.C. McMillan by H.H. Imig to construct a cottage in rear of dwelling at 2903 Thorn St. (Ord 13175) Res. 730ffi 1-7-41 Lots 45-48N42 1- Variance Sec. 8a Ord 8924 granted to allow private garage on the N42' of said lots with a 3' side yd, lot coverage 40,,- Permit to Margaret A. Shrum, 3225 Granada St. Res. 74858 8=12-41 Lots 26-29- Permit to Lenore Panunzio to build a bath add to exist non-conforming bedrm at 2931 Thorn St. both having a rear yd distance of 12'. Res. 1514 4-25-46 Lots 17 & 18- Permit to R.H. & Alba Scanlin to const a 9' x 13' patio to exist res which is non-conforming in that two res now exist on this pruce St. Res. 2923 porch roof add prop 2916-18 3-10-48