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Development Services

Wabash Mesa # 2 Card 1

WABASH MESA # 2 CARD 1.tif WABASH MESA #2 (1 CARD #1 Lot 56- Permit to Sommers-Poutous Enterprises to maint for a period not to exceed 1 yr., model home with sales office in gar, with one 3' x 5' x 5' hi skid sign identifyipg sales office in connection with sale of homes in aew subd., where max 8 sq ft sign advert premises for sale or lease perm, at 2223 Montclair 700' north of Becky Pl, R-1 condl c-6165 12-17-63 Lot 50- The Z.A. consideret the appl of Leroy & Chito Rowan to enclose & convert exist 20' x 27' patio into fam rm & to const 10' x 12'6" sunshade structure to exist sin fam res; exist patio encroachfs 14' & sunshade addn to encroach 4 1 into req 20' rear yd, at 2240 Montclair St., Zone R-1-5 & has DENIED the requested 14' encroachment into the rear yd, but APPROVED 5' encroachment, condl C-7621 4-19-66 Lot 42- Permit to Jon & Patricia Richetti to constr a recreation rm addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs a 17'6" rear yd where 20' is req at 2227 Boundary St. betw Monttlair and Kalmia Sts., Zone R-1-5, C-10172 NH 11-18-70----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 55- Permit to Jack Kauffman for a Land Conservation Permit to const a 18 1 x 12' ~creened alum patio, The property is loc on the East side of Montcalire St., betwn l.(al.mia St and Hawthorne St. #2-4-LC 4-18-73---- ~----------~- Lot 45- Permit to Darryl Gassaway for Conservation Permit to construct Patio Cover on the E side of Boundary St. 45-LC 8-23-73---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------