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W. P Herbert's Add Block 45 Card 1

W. P HERBERT'S ADD BLOCK 45 CARD 1.tif W. P. HERBERT'S ADDITIOll BI.OCI 45 Lota 21, 22, & the West 17' of Lot 23- COlld'l permit to c. w. Carl.atrca to conat a 14' b7 15' aan to an existing res in the Nar of warehouse at J72!J.El Cajon Blvd. with on]J' alley frontage, & 81% coverage Res. 922 4/26/45-,---------"''-----------------~--~-"----- Lots 2J & 24- Permit to Wm. A. & Eula Scroggs to erect addn to aon-conf cleaning & dyeing plant, 3670 El Cajon Blvd. Res. 67()o 8/20/52 Lota 21 thru 26- Permit to Heller Bland Corp., ower, & Convair, lessee, to const 7' high, chain link fence with 1 1 high extension arma facing inward, a por or the fence to 19' bigh at 3720 El Cajon Blvd., C Zone, cobi'l. C-943 12./14/56 Lota 17 & 18 & S 16-2/3 rt. or Lot 16- Permit to L. J. & l.atherine Bellon to const 3 unita & one garage, with 11'6" in extreme rear & with 6 1 between bldga, at 4JJ1- J7t.h St., R-4. c-106.i 3/11/57,,_.___ Lots 25 6hru 28, inc- permit to Charles C. lqder to const bldg as addn facilities to the non-cont. dry cleaning plant and have applied tor a Zone Variance. Al)tEEMENT IJ16 9/27/44