Vista Mesa Annex # 3 Card 3
VISTA MESA ANNEX # 3 CARD 3.tif,,_. VISTA MESA ANNEX #3 "3Cf 4 g:-~ oW. Card #3 ~ Lot 277- Permit to Michael w. and Beverly A. Cassity to constr 21 1-6" x 15' den addition to existing sin fam dwell;addition to obs 16 1 rear yard where 20' is re~, at 7453 Salerno St. betw Armstrong and Argyle, Zone R-1-5.Cond'l. c-12859 N.H. 10-18-74 Lot 272 at 7416 Salerno St, R-1-5 zone has APPROVED;ith conditions 23'x24 1 2nd story addn above non-conform harage, 12' front setback with 15' reqd. CASE NO. 14052 12=9-76