Vista Mesa # 5
VISTA MESA # 5.tif VISTA MESA UNIT IJ,5 Lot 288 & Lot 356 Of Unit #6- Permit to L & M Homes & Roy Williams to adjust lot lines as shown on survey on file, 7227 Beagle St., R-1 zone. c-2655 7-17-59 Lot 283- Permit to Edw F. & Lorraine White to const 3 bedrm addn to rear of exist dwell addn to obs 13' rear yd where 20' is req at 3522 Ben St., Zone R-1-5. c-8519 1-29-68 Lot 270- Z.A.;has considered the request of Edward J. & Wilda A. Stasny for permission to constr a two-bedroom addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to result in approx 44% coverage where 40% is perm at 3664 Ben St betw Armstrong and Beagle Sts in the R-1-5 Zone and has DENIED the request. c-10330 N.H. 2-8-71 Lot 319- AGREEMENT to PAT SULTANA to construct a one-story family room addition with outside access and wet bar sink to an existing one-story, single-family dwelling, located at 7208 Arillo Street, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3383 10-17-85