Vista Del Mar # 1
VISTA DEL MAR # 1.tif VISTA DEL MAR #1 G,~oo-s Lot 1- Permit to Richard & Carol Tibbetts, et al, own & Marine Builders Co., Inc., lessee to erect & maint for a period of one year, one sin-faced, non~illum, direction sign advert Riviera Del Mar, a subd approx mile west of subj property; sign to obs all setback & area of sign to be 4' x 8' where only signs not exceeding 8 sq ft are permitted offering premises for sale or lease at 2598 Del Mar Heights Rd., NW cor of intersection with Mango Dr., Zone R-3, condl_(1.~~0~~-1}/j:._)____________________________________________ ~==~~~~-----~====~~--------- Lot I- Permit to Del Montana Properties to erect 55' of concrete block retain wall 6 1 hi obs O' front yd on Del Mar Hts Rd where a max 3' hi wall is perm in a req 15' front yd, Northwest cor Del Mar Hts Rd & Mango Dr Zone R-3. C-11067 N.H, 2-7-72 Lot 1- Permit to Del Montana Properties (a partnersbip) to constr 115' x 20'6n, 12-stall carport obs O' rear yd wnere 15' rear yd is req, at 2582 Del Mar Heigbts Road betw Mango Dr and Mira Montana Dr. Zone R-3. C-11134 4-27-72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot l- Permit to Del Montana Properties, Inc., DENIED by ZA, to erect approximately 45' of maximum 6 1 high stucco wall observing a 3 1 411 street side yard on Mango Drive where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in required JO' street side yard, at 2582 Del Mar Heights Road, Zone R-3. CASE 16476 NH 11-20-79