Vista Del Cerro # 1 Card 2
VISTA DEL CERRO # 1 CARD 2.tif VISTA DEL CERRO #1 CARD #2. ~ Lots 8 thru 16- Permit to Pardee Construction co. to maintain exist model home complex with sales office in one model on Lots 10 thru 15 and erect model homes on Lots 8, 9 and 16 at 7657-43-44 Forrestal Road. Zone R-1-5. AC-23 12-22-70 Lots 8 thru 16- Permit to Pardee Construction Co. to (1) maintain exist model home complex on Lots 10-15 with sales office in model home on Lot 10 and parking lot on Lots 11 & 12, which have been there for a two year period and extend time to one year (2) constr models on Lots 8, 9, and 16 of same subdiv with swimming pool on Lot 8, for a period of one year, where such uses are not perm two years after subdiv map is recorded (3) erect approx 85 1 of wood fence ranging in height from 6 1 to 8 1 obs O' front yard on Lots 8 & 16 where a max 3' hi fence is perm in a 15' front yard at 7657-43-44 Forrestal Rd betw Park Rodge Blvd. and end of cul-de-sac. Zone R-1-5. c-10266 2-2-71 Lot 15- Permit to Louis and Wanda Quintali to constr a fam room addn to exist sin fam dwell at 7630 Forrestal Rd. Zone R-l-5. AGREE #1934 2-26-74-----------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------ Lot 17- Permit to Orville George and Mary E. Donnelly to (1) const a 7' high ret wall obs a O' front yd at clst pt and (2) create a parking space to obs a 12 sb at 7658 Forrestal Road. R-1-5 Zone. Conditions. C-14588 NH. 8-19-77.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------