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Development Services

Vista Bahia # 1 Card 2

VISTA BAHIA # 1 CARD 2.tif VlSTA:BAHIA UNIT #1 Lot 59- Condl permit to Norman Dev Co to erect:max 10 sq ft directional sign at 3255 McGraw St. R-1 C-1721 3-14-58---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 45- Permit to Ted J. & Shelagh E. Bala to erect 4' high wood fence on top of exist ret wall ranging in ht to approx 3' for overall ht ranging in approx 7'; fence & ret wall will obs 5' SB on alley where 10' SB is estab & max 3' hi fence in SB area is perm at 3083 McGraw St., betw Baker & Gesner Sts., R-1 Zone, condl. c-6298 2-6-64----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 31- Agreement to John Waters to add bar sink in fam rm at 2915 McGraw Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT# 2301. 9-23-77. Lot 42- Permit to Darrell Alden at 3051 McGraw St., Zone R-1-5, to construct 41' of 42" fence (rai 1 ing) to obs a 5. 5' front yard.. Condit. C-16331 8/28/79-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 18- AGREEMENT to Leonard H. Lawrence to construct lower level addition with bar sink to existing single-family dwelling, at 3066 McGraw Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2512 12-3-79 Lot 56- Permit DENIED by ZA to JAMES T. RENEAU to construct a 7'6" X 25 1 cantilevered deck addition to an existing single-family dwelling to observe a 4.5' front yard where 12' is established, at 3225 McGraw Street, Zone R-l-5. c-16933 9-19-80