Venice Park Block 4 Card 1
VENICE PARK BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif VENICE PARK v Lots 21- 24- Permit unit apt bldgs with a with a 12' rear yd. to Carl E, Brorson, owner & H. 15' SB ea, NE cor of Roosevelt... ~ Cara #~ Jernfeld, purch to const two 5 & Lamont Sts. & to const ea bldg Res.#3139 & 3140 5-19-48 Lots 17- 20- Permit to J.C. DeLashmitt to erect chain link fence 51 high on top of 2" high foundation curb in front SB area, 3923 Lamont St. Res.#5919 10-3-51 Lot I (Wly )- Permit to Robert P. & Marian C. Hinz to conv exist gar to bdrm with appro. 7' rear yd, 1905 Fortuna Ave. Res.#7104 l-21-53 Lots 21 & 22- Harold & Elsie lronfield (Swedish spell of "Jernfeld" changed) DENIED to conv 2 exist gar at rear of apt bldg into bdrm & bath on par with exist non-conform apt house obs 12 1 rear yd (15' req} 3909-3915 Lamont St. Case#2700--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 42 & 43- James F. & Suzanne Pierce to constr apt &: deck addn on top of' exist garage observ all yds but result in approx 52~ coverage where 5oi perm;- 3970 Honeycutt St betw Fortuna Ave&: Roosevelt Ave, Map 991, Zone R-4; DENIED as req, but APPROVED 50~ coverage. Case No. 10166 N.H. 10-22-70-cots-26_&_27-:-p;;;;i;-;;j;h;-w;;;;;-&-D;;i;-M~-M;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-fi;;pi;;;-;dd;-;;----- exist single fam residence; fireplace to obs 81 rear yd where 10 1 is req at 3904 Crown Pt Dr at the northwest cor of its intersec with Roosevelt Ave Zone R-4 Condi. C-11009 N.H. 12-29-71