Van Buren & Rehling Block A Card 1
VAN BUREN & REHLING BLOCK A CARD 1.tif VAN BUREN & REHLING BLOCK A Lots 17- 20- Permit to Maurice J. & Mary L. ~rown to erect res with 12' SB on Guy. St. where 15' req on SW side of Guy St. betw W1therby & Hortensia Sts., cond'l. Res.#5376 3-7-51--------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 17- 20- Permit to Maurice J. & Mary Brown to add carport to exist res, the carport to obs O sideyd (5' req) at 2223 Guy St. R-1 zone. Case#2468 5-1-59-----------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 13-16- Permit to Dr. w. S. Mowrey to erect approx 182' of retaining wall ranging in height from 2' to 6 1 obs at closest point a 2'4" front yard where max 3' is perm in req 15' front yard at 2215 Guy St bet Hortensia St & Witherby St; Zone R-1-5. C-10341 N.H. 2-11-71 Lots 13-16- Permit to Roy and Adel Weber to erect 79 ft. of wrought iron fence 6 ft. high obs l'-9" front yard where a maximum 3 ft. high fence is permitted in required 15 ft. front yard, 2215 Guy Street between Hortensia Street and Couts Street, Zone R-1-5. C-12,780 N.H. 8-13-74 Nwly 5' lot 21, all lots 22-24 & Ely 25' Hortensia St clsd- Permit to Theodore W & Gayle E. Graham to const 20' x 24' gar addn on lot w/exlst sin fam dwell, addn to obs at clst pt 9' frontyd where 15' req, 2243 Guy St., zone R-1-5._______________________________________________ c-13.514_________________.1-1~.76________ Lots 21-24 and por Hortensia St. closed- Theodore W. & Gayle Graham. C-15152. WITHDRAWN, Variance nt necessary. 6-23-78. Zone R-1-5.. 2243-Guy Street.---------------------------..--.,-----------..-..-----------.----------------------