Valley Meadows
VALLEY MEADOWS.tif VAUEl MEADOWS Lot 1- Permit to L.K. Investment Co. to (1) constr 20' x 105' carport obs 0' side yd where 4 is req; (2) protide access to 10 parking spaces from private access road on adjacen~ lot south & west of subj property where safe & efficient access to parking is required on same lot at 6651 Mission Gorge Rd,. east of Friars Rd & north of Zion Ave., Zone R-4, condl c-10127 10-6-70 Lot 1- Permit to Valley Meadows North, A ~artnership, to (f) construct 2- soory and 3-story apartment buildings containi~g 77 units; 3-story bldg. to obs 15' rear yard where 18' is req; (2) erect approx 390' of concrete block retaining wall raaging in height from l' to 14' obs 0' front yard where a max 3' high wall is permitted in a 15' front yard and maximum hgt permitted is 10'; (3) erect approx 210' of concrete block retaining wall ranging in height firCllill 8" to 11', obs a 2' interior side yard and a 4' rear yard where a max 6' high wall is permitted in a 4' interior side yard and a 15' rear yard; (4) eliminate 6' iigh fence required around open parking on property line adjoining residentially zoned lots, in 6600 Block Mission Gorge Road between Zion Avenue and County Boundaiy, Zone R-3. vt-12,713 N.H. 6-7-74