Valle Vista Terrace (Villa Lots) Card 1
VALLE VISTA TERRACE (VILLA LOTS) CARD 1.tif-,,- ~-, '', ' VALLE VISTA TERMCE fD&I-S (VILLA LOTS)::S CARD #1 Villa Lot 385 por- Build JO unit apt ct, back 5 1 of pl on Adams Ave. GRANTED to Ethel M. Jacks. Res.#52667 1-6-30 Villa Lot 371- Gar SB 5'~' fr p.1. on Panorama Dr. GRANTED to W.H. Trowbridge. Res.#57238 9-21-31 Villa Lot 378- Res & gar 11 1 from Panorama Dr, GRANTED to J.E. Dodd. Res.#72055 Villa Lot 366- A change of zone from A to C, DENIED Marie E. Brenner, 8-29-40 12-22-30 Villa Lot 376- Var. to restrictions of Ord, 148-NS GRANTED to Will C. Everett, 3093 El Cajon Blvd. to divide V.L.376, Valle Vista Terrace on the N. side of Panocama Dr. into 3 par ea with a 50 1 frontage & to erect 3 sin fam res in Zone R-1 provided SB along Panorama Dr. is maint, Res.#74394 6-17-41 Villa Lot 383- (por)- Permit to Mrs. C.O. Patterson to erect & opera 2nd res at 4796 Res.#243 3-18-43 Villa Lot 382- DENIED permit to Clarence Britt & Harry Parker to erect res & gar on the E. side Panorama Dr. 150 1 N. of Adams Ave, with a 7' SB. Res.#2084 2-27-47 Vi I la Lot 382- DENI ED APPEAL to Clarence Britt & Harry Parker to erect res & gar on E. side of Panorama Dr. 150' N. of Adams Ave. with a 71 SB Res.#85391 3-11-47 Villa Lot 375- Permit to Livi Crook to erect sin fam res with 9' SB on E. 60 1 of 375_P___lnorama Dr_.____ Re5-..i656-7__ 6--2!i-'i2----