Valencia Park # 2 Block 13 Card 2
VALENCIA PARK # 2 BLOCK 13 CARD 2.tif VALENCIA PARK UN!T No. 2 BLOCK 13 res w~it~50'!SB on NWly side of'~. Lot 32- Permit to Adolf Johnson to const u ~ Terr. betw Mira Flores Dr. & Las Flores Terr. Res. 8723 2-2-55 Lots 25 & 26- Claude G. Marlowe,to const sin fam res & gar on each lot, obs 5' SB from San Onofre Terr (15' req) R-1 TABLED c-4383 9-15-61 Lots 25- Permit to Charles & G. Bailey to maint redwood fence ranging in ht from 6' ni at front to 10' ni at rear approx l' to 2' from both side prop. lines where fence max 6 1 above aver adj ground level is perm at 5560 San Onofre Terr., R-1 Zone cond C-6062 10-24-63 Lot 12- Permit to Joseph C & Doris J. Charles to maintain 20' x 6 1 front porch obs 13 1 611 setback on San Mateo Dr where 15' setback is req at 5467 San Mateo Dr betw Los Angeles Place & Las Alturas Terr Zone R-l-5 C-10826 N.H. 10-4-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por Lot 21 & Lot 11- Permit to James & Zenolia Price to maintain sin fam res now under constr obs 5'8" front yard wnere 15' is req;at 5520 San Onofre Terr betw Olivera Ave and Las Flores. Zone R--5 Also Block 17. c-1088o 11-17-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 16-Permit to Marina Zarnes ti ::a Z1 s to const a sfd: (1) house to obs 8' front yard at closest pt; (2) fireplace to obs a 6 1 front yard at clost pt. 5429 San Mateo Drive. Zone R-l-5. Conditions. C-15216. 7-3-78,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------