Valencia Park #1 Block 3 Card 1
VALENCIA PARK #1 BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif VALENCIA PARK UNIT 1 BLOCK 3 ('lS-\--!> Lot 46 & Ely 30' of Lot 47- Permit to Roger G. Miller to const a res & gar with a 12' SB from the sidewalk on the south side of Churchward approx 40' E of Manzanares Way. Res. 4284 11-16-49 Lot 46 & Ely 30' of Lot 47- Permit to Roger G. Miller to const a res on the south side of Cnurcnward St. approx 40' E of Manzanares Way condl Res. 4283 11-16-49 ' Lots 19-23- Permit, condl, to Shirley L. Thomas to excavate 10,000 cu yds of soil to be moved off prop, N side Trinidad Way, 400' W of Las Flores Tr., Res. 5665 7-11-51 Lot 17- Permit to R.M. Lieberman to const sin fam res with 7 16" SB on Trinidad Way, 600 1 E of L.A. Pl., on N side of st. Res. 5677 7-11-51 Lot 30- Permit to S.J. & Ruth H. McNeese to constr sin fam res with 5' SB on west side Las Flores Terr, approx 100' N of Tinidad Way, Zone R-1. Res. 7971 1-6-54 Lot 46 & E30' of Lot 47- Roger G. Miller to erect a sin fam res on the above desc. parcel of land. A-615 11-19-59----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r Lot 47 exc E30' & all of Lot 48- Denzel E. Chapman & Eshter L. Chapman to approve~--..c.ozutt. o:(a sin fam res.------------------------------------ A-614____ 11-19-49___________-lot- l-5,.,,.Rerm i t--to-lomm ~e-L.--&-\'..'.ar J.ef\e-Y.014n9- tO-C0RS'.froAt rat-5484....--~~~~~~~~-Wa~.__ R~ l ~5_zone.__ Co:d ~~~~:~~--==~~~~~-~~:--~=~:~~:--------~--------_[~i----