Valencia Park # 1 Block 11 Card 1
VALENCIA PARK # 1 BLOCK 11 CARD 1.tif VALENCIA PARK UNIT No. l BLOCK 11 Lot 10- Permit to H.C. Mueller to const retain concrete wall, 2' to 9', Sly line, 419 Los Angeles Pl. Res. 4505 3-8-50 Lot 9- Permit to Roger & Bettie Wrenn to canst gar with O' aideyd at 411 Los Angeles Pl condl Res. 5315 2-7-51 Lot 9- Permit to Roger & Bettie Wrenn to constr gar with 19' SB, condl Res. 5316 2-7-51 Lot 38- Permit to Wm. & Angie Nepi to erect res with attached gar with 15' SB, cor Trinidad Way & San Mateo Dr. Res. 5955 10-31-51 Lot 49- Permit to Arthur Moore, Jr. to erect 20 x 20' gar & fr stairway with 0' sideyd 5503 Trinidad Way, approx 730' NE of L.A. Place, Res. 6105 1-23-52 Lot 49- Permit to Arthur Moore, Jr. to erect 20 x 20 gar & fr stairway with O' SB 5503 Trinidad Way, approx 730' NE of Los Angeles, Place. Res. 6106 1-23-52 Lot 54- Permit to Robert L, & Norene E. Davies to erect 12' x 20' covered patio addn to res with 3' side yd, patio with 1 16" Sly side Trinidad Way. Res. 7518 6-24-53----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------