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Development Services

University Village # 8 Map 6846

UNIVERSITY VILLAGE # 8 MAP 6846.tif UNIVERSITY VILLAGE #8, ~-p#6846 Lot 603- 'lhe Asst. Z.A. has considered the req of Edward & Elizabeth Schultz to (1) maintain 8 1 xl8 1 patio addn obs O' street side yrd on Lipmann St. where 10 1 is req (exist dwell obs req 10' street side yrd); (2) maintain 60 1 of 51 high solid wood fence obs 01 street side yrd and where 15' is req in the 20' rear yrd where property adjoins front yrd of contiguous pa.reel (3) addn to result in 51.5i coverage where max 5oi is perm (4) maintain exist dwell which obs 15' rear Cather Ave, betwn Lipmann and Weller Sts, Zone R-1-5 and has (1) DENIED; (2).APPROVED: (3) DENIED; (4) APPROVED, Cond'l C-111 899 5-lAl.-73.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 599- Permit to Nelesoni A. & Lataheanga V. Tu'ua to construct a 13'x20' rec rm addn to exs sfd; addn to obs a 15 1 rear yd and res in approx 42% lot coverage at 4556 Cather Avenue. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14819 NH. 12-14-77, Lot 588- Permit APPROVED by ZA to BETTE M. GERSTACKER for erection of approximately 268 1 of 8' high block wall (portion retaining), observing 0 1 rear yard and 0 1 interior yard on each side, where maximum 6 1 high wall is permitted in required 4 1 interior and rear yards, at 4664 Cather Avenue, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17433 NH 10-12-81 Lot#- AGREEMENT to maintain accessory sink and laundry tub in garage of existing single-family home. ANTON ROLLNER, 4739 Cather Ave, Zone.R-1-5, Agree#3122