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University View Estates # 2 Card 1

UNIVERSITY VIEW ESTATES # 2 CARD 1.tif UN!"VERSITY VIEW EST ATES #2 Lot 64- Permit to Harold L, & f3arbara A. Thor,1as, to const 12' x 23 1-S'" screen, ed in oatio addition to exist sing f&M r(,s wit7. direct access thereto; ad;:iitioJ to obs 10 rear yd w1.ere 20 1 is req at 5449 Northridge Court, Zone R-1 Cond'l. AGREEMENT #1226, 1/30/63 Case No. 5428 l,!.~ 1-25-63--------------------------------------~ Lot 65- Permit to Watse L. & Neva L. Oostenveld to const open patio addition to rear of exist sing fam res with direct access thereto; addition to obs 7.5 1 to 15 1 rear yard, where ~or is req, at 5459 Northridge Ct., Zone R-1, condl. Case No. 6259 2-5-64 Lot 44- Permit to John A. & Virginia LaBar to const a bedroom addn to exist sing fam res addn to encro 51 into req 20 1 rear yd, at 5352 Limerick Ave., Zone R-1-5, Cond 11. Case No. 7852 9-16-66------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lot 41- Permit to John A. &!=lhirJ ey Syson to const a 25 1x 25' fam rm & entry addn to esist sing f9111 resid,-,.t 5316 Limerick, in R-1-5 Zone; granted cond 'l. Case No 8758 '(N.H.) 7-17-68 Lot 74- permit to Paul & Carol Thomas to constr 16 1 x 24' farn rm add; add to obs 19' rear yd- 5262 Palmyra Ave, Zone R-1-5 C-12829 N.H. 9/20/74------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 42- Permit to Arnold & Audree Meloche to const 18' x 24' recrrn addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 9' rearyd at clst pt where 20' req, 5328 Limerick Ave., Zone R-1-5 C-13462 2-6-76