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Development Services

University Heights Villa Lots 1-72

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS VILLA LOTS 1-72.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS VILLA LOTS 1 tllru 72 1,..01" 8168.l'- Permit to E.C. Copeland to const 6 units on parcel w/o st. fr. at rear of?-~~~~~~~~6~~~:~~~~~~=~:~~-9~49-~t;;~~t~~;~~;~----:~;~4::~:-;:~9~;~~=~~------- A-11 of Villa Lot 72 exepting therefrom the Nly to const 6 sin fam dwell, but APPROVED const of divided after date of orig. zoning but prior to on a dedicated st but with access through alley Zone R-2 condl ABOVE APPEALED 2-2-62 & TABLED 2-21-62 140' Univ. Hts- DENIED to E.C. Copeland 5 sin fam dwell on parcel of land 12-5-54, said parcel having no frontage ' to st. at the rear of 2935 Copley Ave., c-4639 1-23-62 Lot 24, N 40' of Lot 27 & 8100' lot 28 exc E 62 1 of N 88 1- Permit to E.F, & A.L, Truitt to bld duplex res where sin fam res exists with 52 1 a st frtg & total lot widtll 140 1, 4712 Arizona St., R-4. Res. 4805 6-28-50' Lot 29- Condl permit to Betty L, Clutinger to const 4 unit apt house, making a total of 5 units on parcel, resulting in exist unit at rear obs 4 16" access court where 10' is req Addn to obs all yd & R-4 zone req at 4770 Arizona St., R-4 Zone. C-5338 12-21-62-------------------------------------------------------------------