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Development Services

University Heights Block R (Resub Villa Lots ) Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK R (RESUB VILLA LOTS) CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK R (Resub ~f Villa Lots) Q3 Card #1 011."fc;c- ~ N40' of S8o' of Block R- Permit to H.L. Caulkins, 4920 Uvada Pl. to construct a residence at address mentioned. Res. 457Q8 5-21-28 Lots 5 & 6- Build a 2nd nouse with a setback of 7' on Uvada st. & 8 on Copley St. C.M. Eicnenlaub. Res. 50795 7-15-29 N24' of Lots 29 & 30- S35' of Villa Lot 58 Univ. Hgts- Pe:cmit granted to C.L. Hurlbut, Vista Place to erect a duplex to replace similar one destroyed by fire. Res. 148 7-30-42 Por Lots 29 & 30- Condl appr to Hal D. Blancnard & Mary M. Blancnard to const add to exist res at 4950 Vista Pl., present gar & storage rm to be removed & replaced with double gar & storage rm add, to obs 1811 side yd on SE cor & 4'9" side yd on SW cor. C-394 4-9-56 Por Lots 29 & 30- Condl permit to Hal D. & Mary M. Blancnard to remove exist gar & storage rm and replace with double gar & storage room to be attacned to exist res & to obs SB in line with exist porch columns, wnich is 7' where average SB of blk is 9'. C-395 4-9-56----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------