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Development Services

University Heights Block G

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK G.tif UNIVERIST'f HEIGHTS BLOCK G orZ\\S6- v" Lots 30 & 31- Erect a 2 story garage & recreation room in R-4 with O' sideyd DENIED to Lottie J. Works, Res, 68097 8~23-38 Lots 15 & 16- Permit to David C. & Marguerite Clark to conaert the existing gar at 4735 Idaho St. into a laundry & rumpus room with a 2' sideyd, subj to conditions Res. 911 4-26-45 Lot 29- Permit to Eugene & Stella B, Redlich to develop & maint a par for park lot for office bldg located in the C Zone adj on Lots 25-28, incl, wnere parking for perm use on premises is perm on vacant lot in rear of 2840 Adams Ave. betw Adams & Collier Avenues, Zone R-4 condl c-69o6 1-14-65 Lots 38 & 39- ZA APPROVED request to constr. a one-bedroom apartment over an existing garage in the R-1500 Zone; apartment to observe the same 3 1 411 side yard as the garage, where a 4 1 yard is now required, located at 4756 Utah Street, zone R-1500 with conds. C-18965_/ I 0/24/85 Lot 10, 11 & N-8" of E-38 1 of lot 12- Agreement with James A. Burkhardt to 'maintain existing 24' wide curb cut leading to three parking spaces within 1 front setback. 4753-4759 Idaho Street, MR-3000. Agreement #5659 4/25/94------------------------------------------------------------------------