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Development Services

University Heights Block 99 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 99 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 99 =It I Lot 31 & s of 32- Condl permit to Roxie Mae & Howard P. Foley to use res at 4328 Florida St. as annex to Hillside Hospital. Res. 608 5-25-44 Lot 17 (S15') & Lot 18- Permit to T. J. Pettid to build a court on tne east side of Georgia St., 150' nortn of El CaJon Blvd., provided that no structure extends out further than tne house adj to the north. Res. 2239 5-8-4 7 Lot 18 & Sl5' of Lot 17- Permit to T.J. Pettid to alter basement of apt into a living unit with a 4 1 access court to the street, subj to approval of Building Insp. Dept. property located at 4325oeorgia St. Res. 2523 9-24-47 N Lot 32 & all of 33 & 34- Permit to Anthony & Carmella Peluso to oper emp office, 4332 Florida St., condl Res. 7216 3-4-53 N Lot 32 & all of 33 & 34- Permit to Anthony Peluso to const bldg for elderly people's board home, with 10' rear yd, max 10 elderly boarders, 4332 Florida condl Res. 8028 2-3-54 Lots 13-15- Permit DENIED to Fred H. Kinney to const 20' x 25' patio with O' side yd, (4' req) at 4343 Georgia St., R-4 C-1167 5-6-57 Lot 31 & sl of 32- Permit to San Miguel Hos'l Assoc (Hillside Hospital) to use as adminis offices with storage in conj with Hillside Hospital, & install emergency lighting unit, transformer, etc at 4328 Florida St., R-4 C-1849 5-le-58