University Heights Block 97 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 97 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 97 r Lots 25-28 E70'- Bungalow Ct back 2 16" from line on Campus St., Granted to M. St. Martin. Res. 62510 1-8-35 Lots 25-28 (E67')- Permit to Martha st. Martin to construct apt over existing bldg J 2:-' SB from Campus & s ideyd of 3'. Res. 74 310 6-3-41 E40' Lots 1-4- Permit to A.P. & Lorens. Campbell to rebldg gar, 126' oversize, with O' side or rear yds, 1521 Meade Ave. Res. 7275 3-18-53 E40' Lots 1-4- Permit to Loren S. & Aneita P. Campbell to conv exist res to duplex, making 3 units, 2 of which to be served by 7:"' access, S side Meade betw Cleveland & Campus. Res. 7402 5-13-53 Lots 15-17- Permit to John B. & Peggy M. Anzer to const 2 addns to non-conf bldg with O' side yd, the addns to conform with Build Code & State Ho9se Act, 4333 Cleveland. Res. 7840 10-28-53 Lots 17-19- Permit to John B. & Peggy;M, Anzer, Jr. to const 6 1 x 8 1 addn to res,said res served by 5' access ct., at 4325 Cleveland. C-810 10-22-56