University Heights Block 77 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 77 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 77 012.YSb-u Lot 16, Sly 2.5' of Wly 100' & Lot 17, Nly 45 1 George D. & Annie Hansen to alter exist gar at with no side yard. of the Wly 100'- Conditional permit to 4411 Park Blvd. into living quarters Res. 258 4-1-43 E47' of Lots 29 & 30- Condl permit to Annette Irene Komins (Barad) to conduct a clock repair business in the residence at 1843 Monroe Ave. Res.854 2-15-45 Lot 7- Condl permit to Henry Grant & Jonn J, Cahill, own & Charles Weber & Edward Cooper,operators to operate a cabinet shop in an exist dble garage in rear of lot at 4455 Park Blvd. Res. 2193 4-24-47 Lots 29 & 30- Condl permit to Annette Komins Barad to conduct a watch repair business at 1843 Monroe Ave. Res. 2319 6-19-47 Lot 18 & Sly 4' of Lot 19- Permit to Hilda P. Trower to build as permitted in R-4 zone on Georgia St. s-313 7-22-55 Lot 19 exc Sly 4 1 & All of Lot 20- Permit to Hilda P. Trower to build as perm in R-4 zone on Georgia St. S-314 7-22-55 Nly 21' of 19 & all of 20- Permit to Ray v. & Rosie Formost, own & Jack & Eleanor Vissers & Lucille Hartson, pur to const 8 unit two-story apt bldg with 9' access ct & 59.41 coverage, W side Georgia, 2nd prop N of Mission Ave., R-4 condl Res. 9431 2-15-56