University Heights Block 44
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 44.tif Gl.\ UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 44 Lots 1-4- Permit to H.A. Hennig, buildings to be at least 10' fr the front p.l. Res. 39442 10-18-26-~_::7;i t;~f ~ Lot 15- Permit to Bessie Krape to repair & remodel sin fam dwell & maint exist sideyd of 2' at 4537 Campus Ave. Res. 4 776 6-28-50 Lots 21-24, Ely 45 1 of W95'- Permit to W.D. Wright to relocate res & att gar to have 4 1 rear yd & 3'6" side yd on each side of bldg, 1616 Monroe St. Zone R-4. Res. 7980 1-6-54:1y 35'-of_____________________________________________________________________________________ / Lots 25, 26 & 27- Permit to THOMAS H. & MARY K. ESSERY to enclose exist porch of studio. apt on same lot w/exist duplex, porch & apt~ now obs 0 1 rear yd, where 10 1 is req; Map SCC 12456; 1646 Monroe Ave betw North & Campus Aves.------------------------~e"e-R-4.-----------------------------------6-++920-------1~26~i2------